Welcome to Wednesday!
I am proud to announce that I have completed the Gay Wedding Institute certification course taught by Bernadette Coveney Smith, owner of 14 Stories in Boston. 14 Stories is America’s first gay wedding planning firm, and GWI is the first gay wedding planning certification course in the world. I participated with others in the wedding industry from across America and Canada and we learned about what makes gay wedding planning different than planning for straight couples. Same-sex couples have a few more issues to deal with (legally…), and planners need to know which vendors and venues are gay-friendly, plus, I needed to learn how to market and appeal to gay and lesbian couples.
I am sharing my journey into uncharted territory! At least for TDE and as a planner myself. I have yet to plan a wedding or party for a gay or lesbian couple, but now, I feel ready to dive right in! I’m excited to make some changes to our website and to make sure we use totally inclusive language in our forms and on the site. I am now prepared to help a gay or lesbian couple plan their event, but in some ways, I feel like I have always been ready for this job. My background, my family, my passions…everything leads to being a wedding planner and in some ways especially for gay couples. I love my job and I am very excited to be actively expanding my client base from a business standpoint and from a very personal place as well.

We believe in marriage equality for everyone!
Congratulations! Hopefully these weddings will be legal in more states soon...